** This is a sticky post. It will be here until the challenge begins on July 1st. For other posts, scroll down a bit. Thanks!**
The first What an Animal challenge comes to an end the end of this month. Which means that it’s time to make a whole new book list. Whoo hoo! I love book lists ;o).
The rules for the What an Animal II Challenge are the same as the original What an Animal Challenge:
1. Read at least 6 books that have any of the following requirements:
a. there is an animal in the title of the book
b. there is an animal on the cover of the book
c. an animal plays a major role in the book
d. a main character is (or turns into) an animal (define that however you'd like ;o)
2. The animal can be any type of animal (real or fictitious)--dog, cat, monkey, wolf, snake, insect, hedgehog, aardvark...dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, werewolf...you get the idea...
3. Challenge runs from July 1, 2009 to February 28, 2010. That’s 8 months to read at least 6 books (you can read more if you’d like). You can still sign up after July 1st as long as you can get 6 books read by February 28th ;o).
4. Books can be fiction or nonfiction.
5. You may make a list of books at the beginning of the challenge or you can just list them as you find them.
6. Book titles may be swapped out at anytime (assuming you made a list to begin with).
7. Crossovers with other challenges are permitted and encouraged.
8. You don't have to have a blog or write a review, but you can if you want to.
9. Sign up with Mr. Linky below (click on the green Mister Linky text and a window will pop up to let you enter your name and URL). Please sign up with the specific post announcing the challenge if you are a blogger. If you do not have a blog, sign up with your name and leave the URL field blank. Thanks!
10. Have fun!!
I loved this challenge and finished the first one easy peasy. I'll be back to link when I get a post done.
I loved the challenge as well. This one should be as much fun.
Yay! Glad you guys will be joining me! As soon as I finish all this blog maintenance business, I'm going to make my book list. I love book lists (although they change all the time ;o)).
I signed up! I can't wait for this one to start!
I loved this challenge and I'm up for it again!
I signed up for the first one but didn't get any books read. Hopefully can get this one done! I've posted about the challenge and linked it back to you. Have a great day!
I would like to join, the only blog i have is only book revies so when i finish I will post hee.
I think I will have to join this one again - I seem to have a lot of animal-type books in my stacks!!!
This is a great challenge and will fit right in with my Cat Sleuths Challenge! I'm going to have a blast finding my books that overlap ;-)
I'm glad I saw this today but I won't be reading until after my daughter's wedding so I'm happy we have 8 months!
I'm going to try this one again. I so failed last time!
This looks fun!
Loved doing it before will have fun again.
Loved this one last year, so thank you for doing it again :)
Okay, even though I swore not to sign up for any more this year I'm in!
I'm participating and looking forward to it! Thanks for hosting.
Thanks for hosting again Kristi! I just posted and added it to Mr. Linky.
This time I participating in memory of my cat, Tina.
Thanks for hosting this challenge.
This is my first challenge! I read a lot of shifter books, so I should be done with this one shortly.
I'll update mine as I read them :)
I'm signing up again :) I have a ton of books that meet the requirements of this challenge - love it!
I have finished my first book for this challenge. Dog Years by Mark Doty. You can see my review at my place, Just Books.
This is my first year doing challenges, and I'm almost done with the first few I signed up for, so I'm looking for another one. I love reading animal books, and have tons in my TBR pile, so I think I'm going to sign up!
I don't think that I can commit to this challenge at the moment, but I wanted to post a recommendation for anyone picking books. I just finished reading "Giv: The Story of a Dog and America" by Boston Teran. It was a great story and I highly recommend it. I am about to review it on my blog - It will probably be up tomorrow. http://thereadingjourney.blogspot.com
I found this link on another blog and I'm participating in the "Dog Days of Summer" challenge from the "Novel Discussions" blog. So far I've bought "Racing in the Rain" and finished "Marley & Me", "All Creatures Great and Small (series), "Dog Stories" also by James Herriot with a few more to go. Think I'll pick up some cat related books next. Also, just wanted to see if anyone would like to consider my book "Tales from a Dog Catcher" as part of the challenge. I can't count it as one of my "read" books though. For more info you can go to www.talesfromadogcatcher.blogspot.com
Thanks and happy reading!
I'm finished and had a blast! I started a new series of shapeshifters and was able to finish much quicker then I thought. It helped too that I got stressed abut the wedding and read!
I've link my post about the challenge to Mr. Linky. I've already read a some books in July that qualify. Have fun everyone. Come over and check out my reviews.
YAY!!! I'm so glad you're hosting this again! It was one of the few challenges I actually finished the first time around. ;)
What a great challenge - especially that it includes paranormal creatures! ;-)
I signed up with my challenge post.
Book 2 of 6. Dewey - Vicki Myron. You can see my review at my place, Just Books. Have a great day!
Book 3 of 6 is Only the Cat Knows - Marian Babson. You can see my review at my place, Just Books. Have a great day!
My 4th book for this challenge is The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski. You can see my review at my place, Just Books.
I just read The Cat, The Quilt and The Corpse by Leann Sweeney
This is the second challenge I've finished this year! My completed challenge post is here
I just finished reading Dewey The Small Town Library Cat by Vicki Myron.
I just finished book #3 for this challenge The Magical Christmas Cat anthology
I finished this challenge. Yay!
Doggone it! I just discovered this challenge today. Hopefully there will be a What an Animal III Challenge so I can play too!
I finished this challenge! I'll be signing up soon for the next one.
I finished the challenge and attached my wrap-up post to Mr. Linky. Thanks again for hosting this wonderful challenge again!
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