Tuesday, October 20, 2009

24-hour Read-a-Thon

I haven't been blogging much lately. Mostly because I'd rather be reading ;o). As a consequence, I'm really behind on book reviews. And I'm planning to join in the semi-annual Read-a-Thon this Saturday, too. This is not likely to help the situation any. But, what the heck? It'll be fun. Maybe in between reading I'll put up a review or two. Then again, maybe not... 
Here are a few of the books I might tackle this Saturday:

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman - I'm reading this one now. I'm actually hoping to have it finished by Saturday. But if not, it's first on my list.

The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman - the logical follow-up to The Subtle Knife but I'm not sure I can handle reading them back-to-back. We'll see.

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning - this one is on my Kindle for iPhone. Reading on my iPhone screen isn't a problem and it might make for a good change of pace.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert - I've started this one, but just barely. It has nice short chapters which might make for another good change of pace.

Black Hills by Nora Roberts - I'm putting this one on the list because Nora Roberts can always suck me in.  

Rose Cottage by Mary Stewart - a large print book I've had on my shelves forever. I don't know where I got it, but that large print might come in handy during the wee hours of the morning LOL.

I certainly won't get all of these read. But if I can just make a dent in my TBR pile, I'll be happy. Want to join the Read-a-Thon? Sign up here.


Dana said...

I almost always love Nora Roberts and have several around to choose from. Good luck!

Ronnica said...

I've read Eat, Pray, Love...it's probably a good choice for the Read-a-Thon. Enjoy!

Cindy said...


Louise said...

I am participating as a cheerleader in the readathon myself :-)

Good luck

Kailana said...

Good list of books! Enjoy!

ccqdesigns said...

Such a great morning here in South Alabama, just the perfect time to grab that cup of coffee and read, read, read!!! So keep up the great reading and enjoy!!!
the Transcendentalists team!

Valerie said...

have fun with the read-a-thon!

I'm another one who enjoyed "Eat, Pray, Love"

Anonymous said...

I found Eat, Pray, Love to be a really fast read. I read it in one night when I wasn't even participating in a reading challlenge or anything!

Anonymous said...

I gave Eat, Pray, Love to my mom as a present. If she's not read it yet or already has I'm going to "borrow it" good luck today!